Purchase Protection Refunds Your Ticket Price & Fees When Life’s Most Unexpected Moments Happen.

From death in the family, to injury, to transportation failure and much more, Purchase Protection applies to the most common unforeseen circumstances


Death in the Family

Death of a spouse, immediate family member, of your own, prior to the event.


Emergency Health Issue

Emergency health issue such as a sudden injury, pregnancy emergency, and other unplanned medical procedure before the event.


Crime Against You or Family

Crime against you, your spouse or immediate family member prior to the event.


Home Emergency

A home emergency such as burglary, fire or flood damage, leak, and structural damage prior to the event.


Transportation Failure

Transportation failure such as car breaking down, flights canceled, and public transportation failure the day of the event.


Severe Weather

Severe weather that closes roads, airports, subways or other public transportation the day of the event.


Legal Obligations

Unforeseen and unscheduled legal obligations such as jury duty, subpoena, and summons.


Employment Obligations

Employment obligations, including being forced to work without notice.


Acts of Nature

Acts of nature and natural disasters that cause the event to be cancelled or prevent transportation to the event.


Public Service Obligation

Unforeseen and unscheduled employment obligations, such as physical relocation, first responder role, or emergency obligation.

Circumstances Not Covered By Purchase Protection

There are certain event related circumstances where Purchase Protection does not apply.

  • Event is postponed or cancelled by event organizer.
  • Event is cancelled by police or other authorities.
  • Event is cancelled because of armed/military conflict, acts of nature, or civil disturbance.
  • Dissatisfied with quality of event or acts.
  • Fraudulent or illegal event
  • If Purchase Protection was purchased with someone else’s debit/credit card without authorization.
  • Non-emergency reasons for inability to attend.
  • Any merchandise purchased or charitable donation made at the time of event registration